I find Cathryn unbelievably funny. She manages to occupy and amuse herself under the most grueling circumstances. This particular day, we had gone to one of Trey's games, it was too bright to see the screen of her Nintendo DS, and she had left her dolls at home. To make matters worse, there were no other children her age to play with. Never one to be brought down, Cathryn persevered:
Children's minds fascinate me, and I pray that she will keep her sense of wonder, and her ability to make the best out of any situation.
Even if it means dragging me to the soccer field so that we can lie on the grass and make cloud animals, or play pretend soccer. Or my favorite, sit in the press box and call a pretend game.
Even if it means dragging me to the soccer field so that we can lie on the grass and make cloud animals, or play pretend soccer. Or my favorite, sit in the press box and call a pretend game.
I loved making cloud animals as a child. That is one my favorite memories with my siblings, just laying in the grass looking up at the sky. I think I will have to that with my three kids. I know they will think I'm crazy. :)
I remember going to my brothers' little league games at the rec fields in Andrews and having to amuse myself. She rocks!
Shane and Owen would just run off without telling me. Meh. Luv the pics! :)
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